Speaking in Code

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Scenario: forced to run a production and a test SSAS cube-processing environment on the same server, we discovered that the TEST instance of the SSIS cube processing task was reading from the production relational database.

This is because the DatabaseID attribute of the ProcessingCommands property was incorrectly referencing the production database, despite the fact I had changed the database connection in the connection manager.

So, be aware of the DatabaseID.

You can view the DatabaseID of your Analysis Services database by right-clicking it in SSMS, choosing properties and viewing the value in the ID field.

5 <Process xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"....snip....>

6 <Object>

7 <DatabaseID>DWEnterpriseCubesTESTDatabaseID>

8 <DimensionID>Dim Enterprise Claim DetailDimensionID

9 Object

10 <Type>ProcessFullType

11 WriteBackTableCreationUseExistingWriteBackTableCreation

12 Process